
Raikov Effect

 These facts alone are exciting enough to make an Earthling take notice, but what of the astrological significance? To help us observe this transit from an astrological perspective, I connected with fellow astrologer Alexandria Lettman, an intuitively gifted practitioner and the SoulUnity's resident astrologer, who uses the cosmos to offer guidance on soul healing and ascension. In her practice, Lettman seeks to share the deeper, karmic meanings surrounding global events and collective energy shifts so, I knew she’d be just right for putting this global event into astrological context. Read on for our conversation. Raikov Effect review Let's begin where so many astrologers seem to end up: The Great Conjunction as a sign that enlightenment and evolution are just around the turbulent river bend. In your opinion, could a meeting of these two cosmic powerhouses really bode so well, or do Jupiter and Saturn have rougher lessons up their sleeves?   I believe it's both! The Gr